Primary Contact Information:
Mailing Address: CLCF Baseball, PO Box 8573, Cranston, Rhode Island 02920
(This is the mailing address of the baseball program. Please do not send mail correspondances to the CLCF Building.)
Email Address:
Social Media: (Click on a link to access our respective social media pages.)
CLCF Baseball Website:
All CLCF Sports Online:
Twitter: @CLCFBaseball
Instagram: clcfbaseball
Email Updates:
All email addresses that are indicated on a player's registration form will be entered in our email database, and will be signed up to receive league-wide email blasts. You can unsubscribe from this list by clicking "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of any mass email.
If you are not receiving emails from CLCF Baseball, but would like to, please email us at with your name and child's playing division, and we will add your email to the appropriate list.
Important Updates and Information:
In the event that we need to distribute important information (such as games being cancelled due to weather) we will post updates on (1) (2) Facebook and (3) Twitter. Social media is the best way to receive real-time updates from CLCF Baseball, so please be sure that you follow us.
Hours of operation
Mon-Thu: 9AM to 8PM
Friday: 9AM to 3PM
Sat-Sun: Closed
contact us
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