Girls Division RUles
Technical Fouls:
1. Taunting – Warning Given
2. Behavior - Warning Given
3. 2nd Technical in One Game - Removed from Game and 1 Game Suspension **
4. 2 or more Technical in a Season – Suspended **
5. Unsportsmanlike Conduct will not be Tolerated from either the Bench or Crowd. **
- Bench Technical Will Be Assessed If It Occurs.
- Spectator(s) will be subjected to removal from the gym.
Ejection from Game and Immediate Suspension **
** Reviewed by League and Ejection from League could happen
First Quarter Players:
For the first two weeks who ever starts is considered a first-string player and cannot play in the second Qtr. No one can play the entire game.
Five 1st Teamers Must Be Named by The End of The Second Week of Games. These Players
Cannot Play in The Second Quarter Even If They Did Not Play in The First Quarter.
Exception: When there is a shortage of second quarter players, the opposing Coach will pick players from the 1 Qtr. players. Baskets (whether from the field or from the foul line) scored by 1 Qtr. player in any “second quarter” period will only count for one point, with a maximum of points per game per starter.
3. Second quarter players can play at any time.
NOTE: When short on 2nd team, the 1st Quarter player needs to report himself to Scorer’s Table
Timeouts: 3 per game, 1 given in overtime, no carryover from regulation
Games Will Consist of 2 Halves with A 2 Minute Half Time.
1st and 2nd Half Will be Running Time. The Last 2 Minutes of Each Half Will Be Stop Time.
Last Minute of each Quarter the time will stop on Free throws.
If Team is up by 20 the clock will Run with no stoppage
The 1st half will consist of two 10-minute quarters.
The 2nd half will consist of 3 quarters, 4 minutes, 7 minutes, and 9 minutes
Each quarter’s team possession will be resolved by a “Jump Ball”
Overtime: 1 Quarter will be 2 minutes
Games can end in a tie during regular season after one overtime quarter.
1st and 2nd Quarter Players Substitution:
1st Half - The First 10 Mins will be for the 1st Qtr. players and the Second 10 Minutes will be for the 2nd Qtr. Players only.
2nd Half – First 4 minutes will be the 1st Qtr. Players, next 7 minutes will be the 2nd Qtr. Players
The Last 9 Minutes of the Second Half, All Players Can Play.
Junior Division: 28.5 Ball
Man to Man Defense Only. No Defense is Allowed outside of the Volleyball Line
The last 5 minutes of the Game the Defense can extend out to the half court line.
There will be NO Violation if go over line during Foul Shots
Spreading of the Offense to Allow One Player to Dominate at Any Time During the Game is
Not Allowed. -
All Five Players in Any Given Period Must Take an Active Part in the Game. Isolation of Defensive
Players Is Not Allowed -
Only 2 shot fouls shot after 10 fouls, No One and Ones
No Pressing allowed, unless up 6 points or less or down 6 points or less in the last 3 minutes of the
game. -
When pressing, must be man to be man and you are allowed to press ¾ of the court using
the volleyball line on opposite court as reference.
Middle School Division: 28.5 Ball
Man to Man Defense Only Including when Pressing.
No Defense in The Backcourt is Allowed until Last 9 Minute
NOTE: Must Allow Offense to Cross the Half Court Line Before Defense Can Be Played
Exception: Teams Leading by 20 Points are not allowed to Full Court Press.
3. Only 2nd Qtr. players can jump over the foul line during foul shot
4. Spreading The Offense to Allow One Player to Dominate at Any Time During the Game Is Not Allowed.
5. All Five Players in Any Given Period Must Take an Active Part in the Game. Isolation of Defensive Players is Not Allowed